Terms & Conditions
1 Bookings
Your child’s space can only be secured on completion of the approaching terms booking form along with full payment and will be strictly on a first come first served basis. Current swimmers enrolled with Swim Stars South East / Heathfield Swim School will be given a one week window to secure their place for the following term. After this time spaces will be available for new customers to book.
2 Refunds & Cancellations
As a small, local business I am afraid I cannot offer full refunds once a booking has been made. Cancellation charges are as follows; £20 if cancelled more than one week prior to the course starting, half the course fee if cancelled less than one week prior to the course starting. Sorry but no refunds are available once the course has started. The courses are a commitment and to get maximum benefit for your child we recommend your child attends every week of their course. In the event of your class being cancelled please be aware that a “make up” session will be added to the end of term or within half term. We will only offer refunds if we have to cancel a class and we are unable to reschedule another session.
3 Missed Lessons
Regretfully we are unable to offer make up classes in other groups if you have missed lesson/s due to holiday or illness. In our experience this can prove disruptive to the class and swimmers and is impossible to offer it to everyone due to lack of availability.
4 Changing Class Times
Sometimes class numbers may grow or fall due to numerous different factors, should a class become too small we may need to merge it with another. We will always try and keep the times as similar as possible.
5 Sickness Policy
If your child, or the adult attending the session in the water, have or develop a known or suspected medical condition you must consult your relevant health professional before attending the session and inform Swim Stars / Heathfield Swim School. Your child should never attend a session if they have a highly contagious illness such as sickness, diarrhoea, chicken pox, ear infection, conjunctivitis, impetigo or a very heavy cold. IF your child has been sick or had diarrhoea they should be free of all symptoms for at least 48 hours before swimming please. If you are unsure with any illness or alike please refer to your GP or health professional and get the all clear prior to returning to swimming. Under current COVID-19 guidelines please do not attend swimming lessons if your child or anyone else in your household has any of the following symptoms: A temperature, a new persistent cough, a loss of or change to your sense of taste.
6 Swimwear Policy
For obvious health and safety reasons children that are not potty trained should wear a swim nappy within a second layer (we recommend a neoprene costume or shorts) that fits securely around the legs. Baby wetsuits are optional but not necessary as the water temperature is between 31 – 32 degrees. Swimming hats MUST be worn by children with mid to long hair. This is for health and safety purposes and for the hygiene of the pool. Swim Stars / Heathfield Swim School hats are available to buy although we do allow other hats providing they do not display another swim schools branding.
7 Photography Policy
Please note that the use of mobile phones will not be permitted anywhere in the pool building for safeguarding reasons. In the event of an emergency a member of staff will have a mobile phone available to contact the relevant emergency services. Anyone wishing to take photos during the session of their children MUST consult the teacher beforehand. This includes cameras, camcorders and cameras. We do not allow underwater photography during our lessons and under no circumstances can pictures be taken in the changing rooms.
Occasionally with your permission swimmers may be photographed or filmed for advertising and media purposes as well as analysis (usually but not exclusive to synchronised swimming). By agreeing to these terms and conditions you give your consent to the use of those photos/videos without compensation on our website and social media for promotional or advertising purposes. Any unused photos will be deleted from all sources.
8 Pool/Poolside/Changing Room Health & Safety
You may of course use the changing rooms provided, please be aware of other swimmers arriving for lessons and be ready to enter the pool when your teacher is ready to begin your session. All children and adults entering the pool are required to shower beforehand. Whilst waiting for your class it would be appreciated if you could keep poolside noise down to a minimum so that all lessons can be conducted in calm and peaceful atmosphere. It is your responsibility for the safe supervision of your child at all times. Children running on wet surfaces can easily slip causing injury. If someone different to the normal adult is brining your child we ask that you make the teacher aware so they can offer fresh advice and support where needed. Any siblings watching on poolside must be supervised by an adult at all times, please ensure that any disruption is kept to a minimum. Every child must have a responsible adult with them in the building at all times. Should we need to instigate our Emergency Action Plan we may need to return your child to you without delay.
9 Food & Drink
We would prefer no food and drink to be consumed in the changing rooms or poolside please. If little ones do require snacks please ensure any litter is placed in the bins provided and food is well away from the pool. Food is not permitted at Rose Hill pool.
10 Data Protection
Swim Stars / Heathfield Swim School will only use the information that we collect from you lawfully in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. An updated policy following GDPR guidelines is available upon request. Please note that when in use the NHS Track and Trace system requires us to keep a limited amount of data will be collected weekly and logged for 3 weeks.
11 Changes to Medical Conditions
It is vital you make us aware of any changes to any medical conditions(s) that you, your child or the carer responsible for taking the child swimming may have that might affect your time in the pool since the completion of your initial enrolment form. All information we receive is treated sensitively and in confidence. All people bringing children to Swim Stars / Heathfield Swim School take ultimate responsibility for their own and their child’s medical/health issues and will be deemed by Swim Stars / Heathfield Swim School to have taken all the necessary advice and obtained the appropriate authority before swimming. Informing Swim Stars / Heathfield Swim School of an adult or child’s medical condition does not relinquish this responsibility.
12 Changes to Personal Details
It is your responsibility to inform Swim Stars / Heathfield Swim School of any changes in your personal details such as contact numbers, email, address etc, since the completion of your enrolment form. Swim Stars / Heathfield Swim School may need to contact you from time to time in order to inform you with important information such as class cancellations etc. We will never pass the details on to outside companies. It is particularly important to inform of us new mobile phone numbers please as this is our most effective way of informing swimmers of any changes etc.
13 Parking
Parking for lessons is as follows;
Baby – Pre-school lessons at Fermor – Regretfully the school car park is out of bounds during the school day. Please use the lay-bys or the Church Hall car park across the road.
Stage 1 – Stage 4 lessons at Fermor – The school car park is available after 3:50pm
Stage 5 – Advanced lessons at Rose Hill – The school car park is available from 5.15pm, please do not park outside of the designated car park.